A Basic tart shell - really simple!!!

Simple, easy - to- bake tarts

At LLUVIA we do make tarts, but our passion to bake healthy , wholesome breads , occupies our time so much that we thought we could share the most requested menu item - TARTS.
Here's a quick simple recipe for a basic tart shell
125 gms COLD butter
250 gms whole wheat flour
1 tsp powdered sugar/salt
1 Tbsp cold water

Clear up a little space on your kitchen counter. Do this when you are not doing any other cooking in the kitchen, as the temperature of other food cooking , heats up your space and will give you mediocre results on the tart.
Take the butter out of the fridge, cut into small bits with a knife. Add all the flout at once and using your finger tips, make the mixture resemble breadcrumbs. this means gently crumbling the flour and butter together. Once done, add the salt / sugar, cold water and just mix together until the dough holds together. You could also knead the dough gently a few times.Wrap the dough in a cling wrap or clean towel. Place in the refrigerator for about 40 minutes. ( If you dont have the time , then use the freezer for a quick 20 minute freeze.
Now get your rolling pin and knife ready, tart cups or muffin tray, all set. Lightly dust your counter top and roll out the dough gently to a 1/2 inch thickness. Cut a circle larger than you r tart cup size. Line the tart cup with the cut out dough and gently press down to acwuire the shape of the tart/ muffin cup.
Continue till all the dough is used up. This yields about 25 tart shells.Prick them gently with a fork , to prevent bubbling while baking.
Preheat your oven to 200C. Place the tart shells on a tray and bake until golden brown. These baked shells can be stored in your freezer in an airtight container, until needed.

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